I Tried These AI-Based Productivity Tools. Here’s What Happened

Discover the effectiveness of AI-powered productivity tools in this insightful article. From generating headshots to creating marketing ads, find out which tools fell short and which ones delivered. Consider personal preferences and goals when choosing AI tools. Read more here.

Curious to explore the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential impact on productivity, you decided to put six AI-powered tools to the test. The first one, Aragon, claimed to generate professional headshots, but ended up creating bizarre and unrealistic results. Undeterred, you moved on to AdCreativeAI, hoping it would effortlessly create captivating marketing ads. Unfortunately, it fell short of expectations, providing neither successful conversions nor budget-friendly results. Determined to find a useful tool, you tried Midjourney for image generation, only to be disappointed by the low image quality and limited capabilities. However, your faith in AI was somewhat restored when you discovered the capabilities of ChatGPT, which proved invaluable for research, finding synonyms, and formatting assistance. Finally, you explored Otter.ai for its transcription capabilities, despite concerns about glitches and privacy. Ultimately, your experiment led you to the realization that not all AI tools are equally effective, emphasizing the importance of considering personal preferences and goals when choosing to utilize them.


Promised to generate professional headshots but produced bizarre and unrealistic results

Aragon is an AI-powered tool that claims to generate professional headshots. Being someone who needed headshots for professional purposes, you were excited to give Aragon a try. However, the results produced by this tool left you utterly disappointed. Instead of realistic and professional-looking headshots, Aragon generated bizarre and unrealistic images that were far from what you were expecting.

It seemed like Aragon struggled to understand the nuances of facial expressions and failed to capture the essence of a person’s features. The generated headshots often had distorted facial proportions, unnatural poses, and unrealistic lighting. It was clear that these images were not suitable for professional use and did not reflect the quality that was promised by Aragon.

While AI-powered tools have the potential to revolutionize various industries, it is evident that Aragon still has a long way to go in terms of delivering on its promises. In the case of generating professional headshots, it is crucial to have a tool that can accurately capture the essence and professionalism required. Unfortunately, Aragon fell short in this aspect, leaving you disappointed and in search of a more reliable alternative.


Did not result in any successful conversions


After the disappointing experience with Aragon, you turned to AdCreativeAI, hoping to find a tool that could help you create captivating marketing ads. AdCreativeAI had been praised for its ability to generate engaging and attention-grabbing advertisements. However, your experience with this tool was far from satisfactory.

Despite its claims, AdCreativeAI failed to deliver successful conversions. The marketing ads it generated lacked the necessary appeal to attract customers and persuade them to take action. The messaging and visual elements were often generic and lacked the creativity needed to stand out in a competitive market. As a result, your marketing efforts using AdCreativeAI did not yield the desired results.

Additionally, AdCreativeAI came with a hefty price tag. Considering the lackluster performance and the lack of successful conversions, the investment in this tool did not seem justified. As a user, you expected a better return on investment, especially considering the claims made by AdCreativeAI.

The experience with AdCreativeAI highlights the importance of thoroughly evaluating the effectiveness and value proposition of AI tools before investing time and money in them. It serves as a reminder that not all tools in the market live up to their claims and that it pays to research and test various options before committing to one.


Generated low-quality images

Limited tool

Midjourney, an AI-powered tool for generating images, was the next tool you decided to try. The promise of being able to generate high-quality images piqued your interest, as it could save you time and resources in finding suitable images for your projects. Unfortunately, Midjourney did not meet your expectations.

The images generated by Midjourney often lacked the necessary clarity, sharpness, and detail that define high-quality visuals. The output was often grainy, pixelated, or distorted, making it difficult to use these images for professional or creative purposes. This compromised the overall quality and impact of your projects.

Furthermore, Midjourney seemed to have limited options and lacked the versatility you were hoping for. The available image styles, themes, and genres were limited, leaving you with fewer choices and less flexibility in finding the right image to complement your work. This limitation hindered your creative process and left you wanting more from the tool.

Despite its limitations, Midjourney may still have a place for those who require quick and simple image generation for non-professional purposes. However, for those seeking high-quality and diverse images for professional or creative projects, it is advisable to explore alternative AI tools that offer a wider range of options and superior image quality.


Valuable for research

Effective in finding synonyms

Provided formatting support

ChatGPT, an AI-powered language model, proved to be a valuable tool during your research endeavors. This tool excelled in assisting with various aspects of your research, offering functionality beyond simple text generation. The features that stood out were its ability to find synonyms and provide formatting support.

Researchers often need to find alternative words or phrases to avoid repetition or improve the clarity of their writing. ChatGPT’s capacity to suggest synonyms made the process quicker and more efficient. Whether it was finding alternative terms for scientific jargon or synonyms for common words, ChatGPT was a reliable companion throughout the research process.

In addition to its synonym-finding capabilities, ChatGPT also proved useful in providing formatting support. Engaging in lengthy research projects often involves working with various citation styles, references, and document structures. ChatGPT assisted in formatting citations, creating reference lists, and even suggesting appropriate headings and subheadings based on the content provided. This support saved you valuable time and allowed you to focus on the core aspects of your research.

While ChatGPT’s language capabilities were undoubtedly impressive, it is important to acknowledge that the tool has its limitations. The model occasionally provided responses that lacked precision or veered off-topic. However, these instances were relatively rare and did not significantly detract from the overall value provided by ChatGPT as a research tool.


Used for transcribing interviews

Glitches and privacy concerns

When it came to transcribing your interviews, Otter.ai, an AI-powered transcription service, seemed like the ideal solution. The promise of automatic and accurate transcription without the need for manual effort was enticing. However, your experience with Otter.ai presented some challenges, primarily in the form of glitches and privacy concerns.

While Otter.ai was able to produce transcriptions, it was not without flaws. Glitches occurred, resulting in inaccuracies and missing parts in the transcriptions. These discrepancies required additional time and effort to correct, ultimately hampering your productivity and adding unnecessary challenges to the transcription process.

Furthermore, concerns about privacy arose due to the nature of the interviews being transcribed. Confidential or sensitive information shared during the interviews needed to be handled with utmost care and protection. However, the uncertainty surrounding data security and privacy practices of Otter.ai raised doubts about the confidentiality of the transcriptions. This forced you to spend extra time and effort to ensure the security and privacy of the data captured in the transcriptions.

While Otter.ai offered convenience in automating the transcription process, the glitches and privacy concerns raised important considerations. For those transcribing highly confidential or sensitive interviews, it may be necessary to explore alternative options or implement additional security measures to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the transcribed content.


Effectiveness of AI tools varies

Consider personal preferences and goals

The author’s journey through various AI-powered productivity tools highlights the varying effectiveness and limitations associated with these tools. Aragon promised professional headshots but fell short, generating bizarre and unrealistic results. AdCreativeAI failed to produce successful conversions and proved to be an expensive investment. Midjourney generated low-quality images and had limited options. ChatGPT emerged as a valuable tool for research, providing synonym suggestions and formatting support. Finally, Otter.ai facilitated interview transcriptions but came with glitches and privacy concerns.

This exploration underscores the importance of considering personal preferences and goals when selecting and utilizing AI tools. Not all tools are created equal, and their effectiveness can vary greatly depending on the specific use case. It is crucial to thoroughly research and test different tools to ensure they meet the requirements and expectations of your particular tasks.

While AI-powered tools hold tremendous potential to enhance productivity and streamline processes, it is essential to approach them with a critical mindset. Consider factors such as the tool’s track record, user reviews, pricing, and compatibility with your specific needs. By carefully evaluating these aspects and aligning them with your personal preferences and goals, you can maximize the benefits of AI tools and make informed decisions about integrating them into your workflow.

Source: https://www.wired.com/story/6-ai-based-productivity-tools-tested/