The Atlas Robot Is Dead. Long Live the Atlas Robot

Say goodbye to the old Atlas robot and welcome its successor, the All New Atlas. Boston Dynamics introduces a stronger and more agile robot that surpasses human capability. Brace yourself for awe and concern about the implications of their abilities.

Say goodbye to the old Atlas robot and welcome its successor, the All New Atlas. Boston Dynamics recently bid farewell to the human-like robot that captured our attention with its mesmerizing dance moves and parkour flips. But before we could even mourn its departure, the company introduced the world to the stronger and more agile New Atlas. With enhanced range of motion and electric-powered actuators, this new bot is capable of moving in ways that surpass human capability. Brace yourself for a future where robots not only mimic our movements but surpass them, leading to a mix of awe and concern about the potential implications of their abilities.


Welcome to this comprehensive article on the retirement of HD Atlas and the introduction of the new and improved Atlas robot by Boston Dynamics. In this article, we will explore the new features of the all-new Atlas, discuss concerns and fears surrounding super-strong humanoid robots, delve into Hyundai’s involvement in the robot industry, highlight other companies in the field, address ethical concerns and potential risks, and examine future possibilities and limitations of humanoid robot technology. So, let’s dive in and explore the fascinating world of Atlas robots!

The Retirement of HD Atlas

Boston Dynamics bids adieu to the old Atlas robot

Introduction of the new and improved Atlas robot

After over a decade of remarkable feats and eye-catching performances, the time has come for HD Atlas, Boston Dynamics’ humanoid robot, to retire. HD Atlas has captured the world’s attention with its stunning parkour flips and dance moves, leaving us in awe of its capabilities. However, as one chapter comes to a close, Boston Dynamics is eager to introduce the world to the new and improved Atlas robot, which promises even more remarkable features and advancements.

New Features of the All New Atlas

Enhanced range of motion surpassing humans

Switch from hydraulics to electric-powered actuators

Improved agility and flexibility

The all-new Atlas robot takes the capabilities of its predecessor to new heights. With an enhanced range of motion surpassing that of humans, the new Atlas can perform maneuvers and movements that were previously unimaginable. This breakthrough opens up possibilities for a wide range of applications in various industries.

One significant upgrade in the new Atlas is the switch from hydraulics to electric-powered actuators. This shift allows for smoother and more precise movements, enabling the robot to navigate its surroundings with greater agility and flexibility. The elimination of hydraulics also reduces the risk of leakage and environmental contamination, making the new Atlas a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option.

Concerns and Fears

Potential danger of super-strong humanoid robots

Robots being programmed to cause harm

Resurrecting fears of a robopocalypse

Implications for employment, such as replacing human workers

While the advancements in Atlas robots are undoubtedly impressive, they have also raised concerns and fears among some individuals. One major worry is the potential danger posed by super-strong humanoid robots. The new Atlas, with its immense strength, could potentially cause harm if not programmed and controlled responsibly.

There is a prevailing fear that humanoid robots like Atlas could be programmed to cause harm intentionally. The possibility of robots being weaponized or used for malicious purposes brings to mind the dystopian concept of a robopocalypse, where machines turn against humanity.

Additionally, the introduction of highly capable humanoid robots like Atlas raises concerns about the implications for employment. With robots becoming increasingly capable of performing tasks previously done by humans, there is a fear that human workers may be replaced, leading to job losses and economic challenges.

Hyundai’s Involvement

Hyundai’s acquisition of Boston Dynamics

Possible use of Atlas in Hyundai’s car factories

Hyundai’s acquisition of Boston Dynamics in 2020 marked a significant development in the field of robotics. The integration of Hyundai’s expertise in the automotive industry with Boston Dynamics’ robotic capabilities holds great potential for the future.

One possible area of application for Atlas in Hyundai’s operations is in their car factories. While specific details have not been released, it is reasonable to assume that the new Atlas could be utilized in automating certain tasks within Hyundai’s manufacturing processes. This could enhance efficiency and productivity while reducing the need for human labor.

Other Companies in the Field

Sanctuary AI delivering a humanoid robot to Magna

Figure’s collaboration with OpenAI on generative AI for humanoid robots

Boston Dynamics is not the only company making significant strides in the field of humanoid robots. Sanctuary AI, a Canadian company, has announced its plan to deliver a humanoid robot to Magna, an Austrian automotive firm. This partnership showcases the growing interest in utilizing humanoid robots in various industries, including automotive assembly.

Figure, a Californian robotics startup, has secured substantial investments from companies like Nvidia, Microsoft, and Amazon. They are collaborating with OpenAI to develop generative artificial intelligence for humanoid robots. Such advancements aim to enable humanoid robots to learn and adapt on the fly, opening up endless possibilities for future applications.

Ethical Concerns and Potential Risks

Use of humanoid robots in the workplace

Unforeseen consequences of general-purpose humanoid robots

Issues surrounding privacy and safety

The integration of humanoid robots in workplaces raises ethical concerns and potential risks. While these robots can enhance productivity and efficiency, questions arise regarding their impact on the workforce. The potential displacement of human workers and the ensuing economic implications need careful consideration.

Moreover, the use of general-purpose humanoid robots with learning capabilities introduces unforeseen consequences. The ability to adapt and learn on the fly could lead to unexpected behaviors and actions, which might have implications for safety and ethical standards.

Privacy is another critical concern when it comes to humanoid robots. As they become more prevalent in public spaces and work environments, ensuring the privacy and security of individuals becomes paramount. Striking the right balance between the benefits of humanoid robots and protecting privacy rights is a challenge that must be addressed.

Future Possibilities and Limitations

Potential advancements in humanoid robot technology

Constraints and limitations in the development of humanoid robots

Looking ahead, the future of humanoid robot technology holds both exciting possibilities and inherent limitations. Advancements in artificial intelligence, materials science, and robotics will undoubtedly pave the way for even more capable and versatile humanoid robots.

However, it is important to acknowledge the constraints and limitations that exist. Creating humanoid robots that truly mimic human capabilities and behaviors is an enormous challenge. While technology continues to evolve, there are still fundamental limitations to overcome, such as power source constraints and the complexity of replicating human cognition and dexterity.


The retirement of HD Atlas marks the beginning of a new era in humanoid robotics. The introduction of the all-new Atlas robot by Boston Dynamics showcases the remarkable advancements in robot technology. While ethical concerns, fears, and uncertainties persist, the potential benefits and possibilities offered by humanoid robots cannot be overlooked. As we move forward, it is crucial to strike a balance between innovation, responsible programming, and addressing societal concerns, ensuring that humanoid robots serve as helpful collaborators rather than threats to humanity.


  • The Atlas Robot Is Dead. Long Live the Atlas Robot (source)
