The Biggest Deepfake Porn Website Is Now Blocked in the UK

The biggest deepfake porn website is now blocked in the UK. Learn about the implications, legislation, and expert insights on combating deepfake abuse.

In a significant step towards combating deepfake pornography, two major websites in the UK have started blocking access to their platforms. The decision comes shortly after the UK government announced plans to criminalize the creation of nonconsensual deepfakes, a move that aims to address the growing issue of deepfake abuse. By introducing these restrictions, the websites hope to put an end to the easy access and normalization of deepfake sexual abuse materials, which have caused immense harm to countless women. While the legality and permanence of the blocks remain uncertain, this development underscores the impact of legislation in combating deepfake abuse and highlights the need for greater action by search engines and hosting providers to limit the spread of harmful content.

Background on Deepfake Pornography

Deepfake pornography refers to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technology to create explicit content that features the faces of individuals without their consent. This technology has gained popularity in recent years, leading to the rise of numerous deepfake websites and apps.

The rise of deepfake technology

Deepfake technology first emerged in December 2017 and has since undergone significant advancements. It involves the use of AI algorithms to manipulate and superimpose someone’s face onto another person’s body in videos or images. As the technology has become more sophisticated and accessible, it has become easier for individuals to create realistic and convincing deepfake pornography.

Nonconsensual deepfake pornography and its harm

Nonconsensual deepfake pornography has had a detrimental impact on the individuals whose images are used without their consent. Victims often experience emotional distress, humiliation, and a violation of their privacy. The wide accessibility of deepfake pornography on the internet has exacerbated the harm caused to these individuals, as their intimate images can be shared and viewed by countless people.

The growth of deepfake websites and apps

The demand for deepfake pornography has led to the proliferation of deepfake websites and apps. These platforms allow users to create and share deepfake content easily. With the advancement of technology, such websites and apps have become increasingly popular, resulting in the widespread dissemination of nonconsensual deepfake pornography.

Blockade of Deepfake Porn Websites in the UK

The UK government recently announced plans to crack down on deepfake pornography by introducing legislation that criminalizes its creation. In response to this, two major deepfake pornography websites have implemented measures to block access for individuals in the UK.

Introduction to the blockage

The blockage of deepfake pornography websites in the UK involves the restriction of access to these platforms for users located within the country. This measure aims to limit the accessibility of nonconsensual deepfake pornography and mitigate the harm caused to victims.

Details about the two blocked websites

The two blocked websites include the largest deepfake pornography website globally and another prominent platform. Both websites have implemented restrictions preventing visitors from the UK from accessing their content. These restrictions are likely an attempt to comply with upcoming legislation and legal obligations.

The message displayed on the websites

When attempting to access the blocked websites from the UK, visitors are greeted with a message indicating that access is denied. The message asserts that the denial of access is due to laws or upcoming legislation in the UK. It also provides the visitor’s IP address and country as a means of verification.

Possible reasons for the blockade

The exact reasons behind the introduction of the location-based blockade by the websites remain unclear. It is uncertain whether this measure is a proactive response to impending legislation or a result of legal orders or notices. The creators of the websites have not publicly addressed the issue or the motivations behind the blockade.

Response from the creators of the websites

The creators of the blocked websites have not issued any public statements concerning the implementation of the location-based blockade. Emails and contact form submissions sent to the websites have reportedly gone unanswered. The reaction and intentions of the creators regarding this development remain unknown.

Role of Ofcom in regulating harmful websites

Ofcom, the UK’s communications regulator, possesses the authority to take action against harmful websites under the country’s online safety laws. However, these powers are not fully operational yet, and Ofcom is still in the process of developing regulations related to harmful online content. The introduction of the location-based blockade on deepfake pornography websites highlights the need for effective regulation and enforcement to combat harmful content online.

Implications of the Blockade

The blockage of deepfake pornography websites in the UK is expected to have several implications, both in terms of the accessibility of such content and the future landscape of deepfake regulation.

Impact on the accessibility of deepfake pornography in the UK

By blocking access to deepfake pornography websites, the UK government aims to significantly limit the availability of explicit content created without consent. This restriction is likely to make it more difficult for individuals in the UK to seek out and access such material.

Website visitor statistics before the blockage

Prior to the blockage, data from Similarweb, a digital intelligence company, indicates that the largest of the two blocked websites attracted 12 million global visitors in the previous month. Within the UK, it had approximately 500,000 visitors. The second blocked website received 4 million global visitors and 50,000 UK visitors during the same period.

The impact of upcoming legislation on deepfake creation

The introduction of legislation criminalizing the creation of nonconsensual deepfakes is expected to have a significant impact on their production. The potential for unlimited fines for creating deepfakes with the intent to cause distress or alarm to the victim may deter individuals from engaging in this harmful behavior. The combination of legislation and website blockades may effectively reduce the prevalence of deepfake pornography.

Expert Opinions and Commentary

Experts in the field have provided insights into the issue of deepfake pornography and the measures taken to combat it.

Views from Professor Clare McGlynn

Professor Clare McGlynn, a law professor at Durham University, believes that the blockage of deepfake pornography websites in the UK is a significant step in the fight against deepfake abuse. She highlights the end of easy access and normalization of deepfake sexual abuse material resulting from this measure.

Expert insights from Henry Ajder

Henry Ajder, an AI and deepfake expert, emphasizes the importance of legislation in removing the legal ambiguity surrounding deepfake pornography. Ajder believes that the recent blockage in the UK demonstrates the significant impact legislation can have on reducing the harm caused by deepfake pornography.

The need for more action from search engines and hosting providers

Experts argue that search engines and hosting providers should take more responsibility in limiting the spread and creation of harmful deepfakes. These platforms could play a crucial role in combating deepfake pornography by implementing stricter content policies and actively removing harmful material.

The Effectiveness of the Blockade

While the blockage of deepfake pornography websites in the UK marks a significant step, there are considerations regarding its effectiveness and potential workarounds.

The availability of workarounds using VPNs

Although the websites have blocked access for individuals in the UK, it is still possible to bypass the restriction by using a VPN (virtual private network). VPNs can alter an individual’s IP address, allowing them to access blocked websites from the UK. However, the introduction of VPNs introduces friction and gives a clear message that accessing deepfake pornography is ethically problematic.

Friction caused by VPN access

While VPNs provide a workaround for accessing blocked websites, they also create additional hurdles and inconveniences for individuals seeking deepfake pornography. The need to use VPNs sends a message that there is something wrong or harmful about the material and adds a layer of complication in accessing it.

Other governments’ responses to deepfake pornography

The blockage of deepfake pornography websites in the UK serves as an example to other governments around the world. It demonstrates that proactive measures, including legislation and website blockades, can have a meaningful impact on reducing the prevalence and accessibility of deepfake sexual abuse material.

UK Government’s Plans for Deepfake Legislation

The UK government has demonstrated its commitment to combatting deepfake pornography by proposing legislation that specifically addresses the issue.

Overview of the proposed law

The proposed law aims to make the creation of nonconsensual deepfakes a criminal offense. It seeks to impose an unlimited fine on individuals who create deepfakes with the intention of causing alarm, humiliation, or distress to the victim.

Punishments for creating nonconsensual deepfakes

Under the proposed law, individuals found guilty of creating nonconsensual deepfakes could face severe penalties, including imprisonment and substantial fines. The goal is to deter people from engaging in the creation of deepfake pornography due to the potential legal consequences.

Existing provisions on sharing sexualized deepfakes

Prior to the proposed legislation, sharing sexualized deepfakes was already deemed illegal in the UK. The new law expands on this provision, targeting the creation of deepfakes and strengthening the legal framework surrounding these types of content.

Continued Efforts to Combat Deepfake Pornography

The blockage of deepfake pornography websites in the UK and the proposed legislation represent ongoing efforts to tackle the issue.

The role of lawmakers, tech companies, and campaigners

Addressing deepfake pornography requires collaborative efforts from lawmakers, tech companies, and campaigners. By working together, these stakeholders can create a safer online environment and more effectively combat deepfake abuse.

Potential impact of legislation

The introduction of legislation specifically targeting deepfake pornography is likely to have a substantial impact on reducing the prevalence and accessibility of such content. Legislation acts as a deterrent and establishes legal consequences for engaging in deepfake creation.

Reducing prevalence and easy access to deepfake abuse material

The ultimate goal of measures such as website blockades and legislation is to minimize the prevalence of deepfake abuse material and make it more difficult for individuals to access. By reducing the availability of deepfake pornography, the harm caused to victims can be mitigated.


The blockage of deepfake pornography websites in the UK represents a significant development in the fight against deepfake abuse. The introduction of legislation and the measures taken by the websites demonstrate the growing recognition of the harm caused by nonconsensual deepfakes and the need for active regulation. This event carries implications for future regulation and accessibility, as well as the global response to deepfake pornography.

About the Author

Matt Burgess is a senior writer at WIRED with expertise in information security, privacy, and data regulation. He holds a degree in journalism from the University of Sheffield and currently resides in London. His work focuses on examining and reporting on issues related to technology’s impact on society.

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